East-Algarve Photo's,plants2

Hi welcome to our plants2 page of pictures,these are all originals taken by ourselves and you can purchase any of them for use in any publication,or for private use.You are only purchasing for your own personal use.Once purchased you can use the picture asmany times as you wish as long as it is not for sale.<p>It may be used for illustration purposes in a publication but you cannot pass on the right to republish by any other party or sell to another person or organisation.<p>If you do wish to purchase any picture outright,to own the royalties then please contact ken using any of the contact methods on our CONTACT US page,top left of this and all other pages.Or click the link....<a href="mailto:kenjefferies@fsmail.net">Email me subject "Kennij Plants"</a>

<font size="5"><font color="purple">Charles Austin Roses</font></font><p>How about this for a stunning rose.For some unknown reason the owner of English Roses David Austin has dropped this fantastic rose from his main catlogue. It is a total mystery to me as it performs much better than some of his new roses.It may suffer a little from foliage bearness but no more than many other rose.It produces lots of flowers which as you can see are absolutely stunning and have a nice fragrance. Why on earth would you drop it from your catalogue.Especially as it must have been named after a relative such as his father or grandfather.<p>I can tell you it is far better than this treatment suggests but you do not have to believe me,just look at the photograph taken in the east-west-algarve.com gardens. You do not get better rose plants than this and none are more photogenic.<p>We never spray our roses or feed them and we get amazing results.In our opinion the only thing which aids roses is adding manure or well rotted compost to the soil at the base of the plant,never dig it in or add anything below the surface. Correct beneficial matter added as a mulch around the plant will be dragged down to aerate the soil by the worms in your earth. Never ever use chemical feeds as these damage your soil and harm the roots of your plants.

East Algarve Poppies.
plants2 In the UK we love to see poppies but generally we have to grow them from seed.I have tried many times to establish them in UK gardens but they never seem to seed around,or if they do they soon die out.In the East Algarve at least they are or have become indigenous.You will see them everywhere and they seed themselves around just like weeds.Albeit very pretty weeds!

As you can see members of the Aster or Daisy Families also settle in with them very well.This little scene is 10 minutes walk from our apartments and you can just see they have seeded themselves at the base of a very ancient wall which separates this small country lane from the fields beyond.

This lane winds its way from the Conceicao village down to Cabanas and its lagoon and the Atlantic ocean. If you go to our Conceicao page you will see there are numerous pleasant walks which can make holidays cheaper and rather more pleasant. Cheaper in that walking gives you free days entertainment and you can add in a picnic as well.

If you are lucky you can even get good enough weather in January to do activities like this.

More to come on our page plants2